Approaches in Child Education

by Büşra Uysal

The psychological perspective on approaches in child education is rooted in the primary explanations of the study. Briefly, the study of learning and processes in education are trying to explain educational psychology (1). Then, in this article, you can find fundamental psychology theories and views on education.


Different Approaches in Child Education

different approaches in educational psychologyEducational psychology is simply the study of learning, including instructional processes to individual differences in learning.

Methods of educational psychology have a broader background with the help of different approaches and explanations such as developmental psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive psychology2.

Therefore, different approaches in child education mean giving a variety of explanations about learning and methods of educational psychology. They bring distinct practices in education based on theories.

Early Childhood Education Theories and Practices

approaches to child educationDevelopmental Psychology

Developmental psychology identifies the things that affect development and explain how these effects can change or shape human life4. In a world, it describes, explains, and predicts age-related behavior, cognitive and social relations4. Especially developmental theories are conducted to explain basic phenomena. Those emphasize the stage-related application of educational psychology theories.

  • Educational Appropriate

It refers to good curriculum and instructional practices in education. Creating developmental appropriateness is much like a curriculum planner, and it must build on a child’s development knowledge. Hence, early childhood education is inclusive to students with different backgrounds (experience, culture, interest, etc.). So, teachers are knowledgeable about differences and adjust these into curriculum and education practices6.


Cognitive Psychology

child educationThe study of cognitive psychology is a state of mental processes. Behavior is also a reflection of information processing in the brain. These include perception, memory, attention, language, and problem-solving5. According to that, methods of educational psychology should work on cognitive abilities, such as children’s schemas. 

Education should develop skills to organize, use the information and connect ideas5

cognitive psychology

Behavioral Psychology

Behavior is the process of learning. Particular environmental stimuli control that specific behavior3.

Key factors

  • Environmental determinants of learning and behavior.
  • Consequences of behavior lead to the frequency of that behavior.


The behavioral approach assesses performance, explains it, and makes educational interventions. The main principle for enhancing learning is to alter an environmental event7. It tries to promote support in classroom interactions.


Humanism In Education


Humanist perspective is a high emphasis on uniqueness, independence, and creativity. The humanistic perspective focuses on the individual phenomenal world and capacity to make choices and develops their maximum potential (3) in different approaches in child education.

Some Practices

  • Co-operative Learning (5)

A child can learn to co-operate by working together to achieve. Responsible for sharing, co-operating, and learning. Improve interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.

  • A Learning circles

Learn together and work together to accomplish the given goals-assignment.

  • The open classroom 

Learn independently and think about ways to learn.

  • Jigsaw technique

This kind of teaching strategy allows students and small groups to be responsible for a subcategory of a topic. Each group member searches and develops ideas, then teaches them to the rest of the group9.


  1. APA. (2014). Educational Psychology Promotes Teaching and Learning.  Retrieved December 11, From
  2. Lucas Lopez. Educational Psychology: Perspective from Various Aspects. Clin Exp Psychol, 2021, 7(6), 01.
  3. Gerrig, R. J., Zimbardo, P. G., Campbell, A. J., Cumming, S. R., & Wilkes, F. J. (2015). Psychology and life. Pearson Higher Education AU.
  4. Bee, H. L., Boyd, D. R., & Gündüz, O. (2009). Çocuk gelişim psikolojisi. Kaknüs yayınları.
  5. Psych Tutor. (n.d.). Approaches to Education. Retrieved December 11, From
  6. Sue Bredekamp (1992) What is “Developmentally Appropriate” and Why is it Important?, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 63:6, 31-32, DOI: 10.1080/07303084.1992.10606612
  7. Williams, R. L. (1999). The Behavioral Perspective In Contemporary Education. The Teacher Educator, 35(2), 44-60.
  8. Bruner, J. S. (2018). Jerome Bruner and Constructivism. Learning Theories for Early Years Practice, 70.
  9. Hance, M. (2016). The Jigsaw Method Teaching Strategy. Retrieved December 11, From


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