The Breastfeeding Challenge

by Büşra Uysal

Breastfeeding is a natural process since it is one of the primary inborn reflexes. Even so, it is also not uncommon for a baby to refuse it. From the second this happens; the family is fired with some solid and conflicting pieces of advice by those around (1). There is no surprise that it all causes nothing but confusion. To make this right, take a step back and use your own instincts since it also works with nature. It is just a matter of time once you know all you need. Explore and figure out the best variations for you and the baby in overcoming breastfeeding challenges.

Refusal of Breastfeeding: Nursing Strike

Babies can refuse breastfeeding despite the reflex. Sometimes they need a guide to do it because they are only beginners. It can also happen after some time, like a month or more of uneventful breastfeeding, which is called a nursing strike. If not because of the baby-led weaning process, it can cause difficulties since it lasts more than at least two days which leads to severe problems (2). So that, it is significant to find ways to make the baby return to breastfeeding. Check below to see the breastfeeding tips.

breastfeeding tips

What Leads to the Nursing Strike?

Determine the cause of the nursing strike:

Why does the baby suddenly refuse to breastfeed? What are challenges of breastfeeding? Finding out the cause may help to find the best strategy to overcome the nursing strike. So, you can firstly try to find the problem for breast refusal and deal with the causes (3).

  • It can be physical causes like ear infections, illnesses, reflux disease. 
  • About overwhelming flow, fast and overabundant milk production
  • Mother-related allergy, sensitivity to food or drug
  • An injury that caused pain or injection
  • Mouth pain from teething or mouth injury
  • Reactions to products (deodorant, lotion, laundry detergent)
  • Environmental causes
  • Stress, upset, overstimulation
  • Strict schedule to breastfeeding (timed feedings, regular interruptions)
  • Left the baby to cry for long periods
  • Major routine changes
  • Arguments or yelling during breastfeeding
  • Negative reactions when baby bites
  • A usually long separation from you

Breastfeeding challenges and solutions

Express your milk and feed the baby :

If the refusal continues, the first thing you need to focus on is to feed the baby. 

  • Express your milk: Express your milk as often as the baby was breastfed usually. It will avoid uncomfortable breast fullness and maintain milk production.
  • Feed the baby: While the baby is a breast refusal, think of something that would not satisfy the baby’s sucking urge. Also, keep away the pacifier till the baby is back to breastfeeding. It will possibly end the strike if you are not satisfied with the sucking urge. You can try to feed the baby, younger than six to eight months, with a cup or spoon (of your breast milk) (2).


  1. Cross-Barnet C, Augustyn M, Gross S, Resnik A, Paige D. Long-term breastfeeding support: failing mothers in need. Matern Child Health J. 2012 Dec;16(9):1926-32. doi: 10.1007/s10995-011-0939-x. PMID: 22246714.
  2. Mohrbacher, N. (2013). Breastfeeding Solutions: Quick Tips for the Most Common Nursing Challenges. New Harbinger Publications.
  3. Hoecker JL. (2020). Why would a baby go on a breast-feeding strike?

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