Conception of Engineering

by Gamze Çalık

What is engineering? Why is getting the conception of engineering so important? Is it possible that our students or children, who are potential engineers, don’t have enough understanding of engineering? Unfortunately,  yes! Studies show that they don’t. According to the studies on students’ conception of engineering, they are full of misconceptions (1)(2)(3)(4). Therefore, local industries and schools must work together to improve the perception of future engineers (1). It is essential to see how students are perceived and what teachers can do.

Perception of Students

conception of engineering, perception of students

The first and relatively the most crucial misconception we need to eliminate is that middle school students -especially male students- perceive engineering as a male-dominated career (2)(3). Regarding this, this mindset overwhelms female students. They might immediately get discouraged if they have an interest and many other reasons. Then, most of them result in a lack of self-confidence There are many studies showing changes in the perception of women in engineering (9)(10)(11)(12)(13).

Over and above, most of the students think that engineers just fix things like a repairer. They are not aware of the design process. Eventually, those may cause misconceptions (2)(3). Definitely, the perception of this matter needs a change.

How Can Teachers Help?

As role models and perfect guides for the road, teachers must play an active role to help students understand engineering. The research on young children’s perception of engineering shows that their mindset had changed after just a summer engineering outreach course. It clearly shows that we need to spell it out enough (4).

Studies also reveal that integrating engineering activities whenever possible in the classroom increases the participation of female students and helps eliminate misconceptions over time (2)(5). Teachers must focus on diversity and the number of students. Fairly enough to be sensitive on this matter for the sake of potential engineers of our future. In addition, we shouldn’t think like it is only for science classes. Teachers can integrate engineering activities in any course with true objectives. 

Here are some of those below as examples:

Math Classes  (6)

Art Classes (7)

Music Classes (8)

It is always good to remember that these are not ‘macaroni art’. They must have objectives according to engineering skills. It is essential to implement the design process implemented smoothly in such activities. They all are starting points and practicing chances for those who think of engineering as a career. It will become more familiar with the conception of engineering.

You can read the future jobs for kids here.
(1)   MATUSOVICH, HOLLY. M. (2021). Student Outcomes from the Collective Design and Delivery of Culturally Relevant Engineering Outreach Curricula in Rural and Appalachian Middle Schools. International Journal of Engineering Education, 37(4), 884–899.
(2)   Walsh, Thomas Broderick, “An Investigation of the Impact Gender-Specific Course Grouping Has on Female Middle-School Students’ Concept of and Interests Toward Technology and Engineering” (2021). Theses and Dissertations. 9229.
(3)   Ertugrul, G. G. (2018). Application of Draw an Engineer Test (DAET) for a Better Understanding of Middle School Students’ Conceptions of Engineering. In erpa 2018 e-book of proceedings (pp. 104–117). Istanbul.
(4)   E. Oware, B. Capobianco and H. A. Diefes-Dux (2007).”Young children’s Perceptions of engineers before and after a summer engineering outreach course.”  37th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports. pp. S2B-3-S2B-8, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2007.4417814.
(5) Newley, A. D., & Kaya, E., & Yesilyurt, E., & Deniz, H. (2017, June), Board # 104: Measuring Engineering Perceptions of Fifth-grade Minority Students with the Draw-an-Engineer-Test (DAET) (Work in Progress) Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. 10.18260/1-2–27675
(6) 3 simple stem math projects for elementary students. 3P Learning. (2021, February 25). Retrieved October 8, 2021, from
(7) Gidcumb, B. (2020, April 2). Steam activities: Integrating visual art & engineering: Education closet. The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM. Retrieved October 8, 2021, from 
(8) Lab, T. O. T., & Instructables. (2017, October 8). Bottle Boogie Flute! Instructables. Retrieved October 8, 2021, from 
for the infographic on “Women in Engineering”
(9) Layne, M. E. (Ed.). (n.d.). Women in Engineering: Pioneers and Trailblazers. Google Kitaplar. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from
(10) Mohan, S. (n.d.). Roots and Wings: Inspiring Stories of Indian Women in Engineering. Google Kitaplar. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from
(11) Smith, Y. (2021, February 16). Mary W. Jackson: NASA’s first female African American engineer. NASA. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from
(12) Mühendis çalıkuşu: Sabiha Rıfat Gürayman. Mühendis Çalıkuşu: Sabiha Rıfat Gürayman – AİMSAD Dergisi. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2021, from
(13) Levins, S. (2021, October 6). The electrifying story of engineer Edith Clarke. WednesdaysWomen. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from 

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